WWW Access Statistics for the last 12 months

Hits by Month

Short statistics for May 2007 (updated more frequently)
Month Hits Files Cached Pageviews Sessions KB sent
May 2007 3279 1844 185 655 588 23448
April 2007 20122 14182 2863 3245 4823 129869
March 2007 16041 10875 1914 3965 2532 106865
February 2007 14567 10565 1303 3739 1902 111057
January 2007 17328 11652 2460 3949 2221 124370
December 2006 15092 10258 1645 3951 2077 139088
November 2006 16941 13041 1108 3685 1959 132938
October 2006 25363 19506 2514 5235 2389 180722
September 2006 22833 17730 1798 4111 2948 185443
August 2006 22668 17984 1372 3644 3182 164166
July 2006 20682 15556 2078 3502 3491 144938
June 2006 24269 18211 2657 3879 4185 171050
Total 219185 161404 21897 43560 32297 1613949
Average 18265 13450 1824 3630 2691 134496

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http-analyze 2.4 07/May/2007 01:47