Frequently Asked Questions

Why are people so interested in DSL?
DSL eliminates many of the obstacles that prevent Internet users from making the most of their online access. Dial-up hassles are eliminated with FlashFlowDSLTM's "always on" dedicated connection. Also, the speed and reliability of DSL are particularly attractive, given the comparatively low cost associated with this option. As awareness of the benefits of DSL grows, demand is driving DSL providers to rapidly scale their networks.

What factors should I consider in determining my Internet access needs?
You should consider several factors:

If I get DSL today, can I easily get faster service in the future as the technology improves?
Typically, yes. For example, if you purchase TeleSpeed DSL at the speed of 192 Kbps or higher, the accompanying FlowPoint 2200 router equipment can support you as you graduate to speeds as fast as 1.5 Mbps. When you're ready to upgrade to a higher speed, FlashFlowDSLTM can work with you to determine which options may be available at your location.

Does DSL speed vary from ISP to ISP?
Yes, DSL Internet access speeds may vary from one ISP to another. With FlashFlowDSLTM's multiple backbone connections, you will receive uninterrupted access and less packet loss.

Why do backbone connections to the Internet make FlashFlowDSLTM better than most DSL services?
FlashFlowDSLTM employs multiple backbone connections that are tied to the main distribution system. This is analogous to an on-ramp for the nation's interstate system. Once on the on ramp, you can go anywhere. The only way to get to New York, is to get on a "backbone" aka "interstate" and to get off when you are near your destination. This is also how our national telco (voice, video or data traffic) works and is distributed. As for redundancy, our three connections permit us to stay connected to this "interstate" system, even if one or two of them go down. Because they are not related, even if one interstate is "under construction" you still have the other two left to drive your traffic over the Internet. With other DSL companies, who may not have this multiple backbone structure in place, if their "Interstate" is under construction, you will have to wait for it to be repaired before you can get back on the "on-ramp" of the Internet.

How do businesses benefit from DSL?
Businesses enjoy multiple benefits:

Can multiple people at a single office use a DSL connection simultaneously?
Yes, multiple users in an office can use the same DSL line. But note, the more computers sharing the DSL line at the same time, the slower your connection to the Internet.

Every time I add another user to my DSL connection, do I need to pay another set-up fee?
FlashFlowDSLTM does not charge a fee for additional users or additional machines unless you require an additional IP address, and the additional set-up routine is so easy you can do it yourself. Just plug the computer into the network, and it's on the Internet. The DSL modem that is supplied, functions as a router or bridge, allowing many computers within your office or home to connect to the Internet.

I telecommute from my home to the office. What can DSL offer me?
DSL closely replicates the high-speed network and Internet access infrastructure that many companies have in place. Compared to dial-up options, DSL is a clear choice, with faster downloads of files and graphics, a constant connection to your office network and printers, and high quality email performance. And with FlashFlowDSLTM Internet service, we provide equipment that makes it possible for you to link multiple home PCs to the same DSL connection.

Do home users actually link multiple PCs to the same DSL connection?
You'd be surprised how popular this trend is becoming, especially among families with children who use the Internet for school research, gaming and email communication with friends. DSL frees the telephone line for voice communication and eliminates the need for multiple dial-up accounts.

How will DSL affect my regular phone calls?
In most cases, ADSL will not interfere with your phone calls and vice-versa. In some cases when you are using the same phone line for both ADSL and POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), you will need to add a simple filter device between your phone and the wall jack. This filter is used to separate the signal streams into low and high, sending only the 8khz signal to the phone and the high frequency to the DSL CPE.

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